Letter to the Editor – Police Reform – Prevention not Prison!


Dear Editor,

Since April 8, 2020 eight Indigenous people have been killed by the police in Canada. 

There needs to be police reform.


In London, England, most police officers do not carry guns. Why do police officers in Surrey or Vancouver have to carry guns if a huge city like London can do without them? 

If police officers had fewer guns then less innocent people including Indigenous people, people of colour, and LGBTQ people would be shot and killed.


A further problem is that police investigate the police.  Most public complaints and internal complaints against the police are investigated by former and current police officers and most of them are white men as recently reported by the Toronto Star.

No wonder the RCMP had to settle a multi-million dollar lawsuit from its female police officers for sexual harassment. 

We need “truly” independent civilian oversight.

I have written to the Surrey Police Transition Team and Minister Mike Farnworth to ensure police officers can no longer investigate other police officers.

This will be an uphill battle as the police like any powerful organization is likely an old boys club or brotherhood that lookout to protect their own interests and members.


Surrey has a chance to create the first modern police force in Canadian history.  Since Surrey is so diverse the Surrey Police Force should also be diverse at all levels.


Furthermore, a community based policing model which limits the role of the police and reallocates funds to social workers, nurses, detox, counselling, housing, etc. is an excellent idea.

More prevention instead of prison can pay huge dividends for all involved.  

 In Gratitude,

Alex Sangha  


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The MetroVan Independent News team is a group of talented individuals uniting to serve their community through the power of words. They strive for accuracy, fairness, transparency and accountability aiming to engage, inform and entertain their readers. The team's secret weapon is courage and integrity... with a hint of adobo.

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