“Contrary to statements made by each of Francisco and Zeala, they were not seeking to establish a credit union. All of their dealing were to deceive Lovitos and obtain her or her company’s property.” A January 2024 Notice of Civil Claim outlines theft, fraud and deceit by BC couple Francisco “Jun” and Zeala Cortes.
Although members of the Vancouver Filipino community are vocal in warning others not to trust Jun and Zeala Cortes, should people actually believe Zeala when she introduces herself as “the scammer”?

The Filipino Now – The Birthing of the First Filipino Credit Union. Screenshot from ABS-CBN News
From coffee beans to orthotics, from Dragons’ Den to a pig house with heated floors, stories of Jun and Zeala Cortes are shared by people who accuse them of numerous schemes and wrongdoing.
Above Video: Empowering Community thru Public Forums, Beware of Scam by MLA Mable Elmore – Simply the Best, The Luisa Marshall Show
During a December 2022 Vancouver community forum about frauds and cons, Arlene Nicanor shared her story about how she was approached by the Cortes’ to invest $700,000 in the development of a Filipino Credit Union also known as Aubergine. The Cortes’ informed Nicanor that their lawyer recommended that she deposit the funds into a bank account opened by Zeala’s sister Eula. When Nicanor requested a meeting with their said lawyer, instead of setting up a meeting, Zeala told Nicanor she had only 3 days to make the deposit or the deal would be closed.
Arlene Nicanor backed out of the proposal.
Read More
– Link: Filipino couple accused of alleged frauds and cons during Vancouver community forum
Above Video: Proposed credit union for Filipinos in Canada under probe | TFC News British Columbia, Canada – ABS-CBN News
2 years later, the proposed Aubergine / Filipino Credit Union resulted in no credit union at all, as well as Jocelyn Lovitos and Martrade Holdings LTD suing Francisco “Jun” Cortes, Zeala Cortes, Pintech Solution Inc. and Aubitx Holdings Inc.
According to the January 17, 2024 Notice of Civil Claim filed in the Province of BC where Jocelyn Lovitos is the plaintiff, “Francisco and Zeala embarked on a scheme to defraud Lovitos and her company Martrade of its property.”

Aubergine Credit Union Interview with ABS-CBN. Screenshot from ABS-CBN News
Jun and Zeala Cortes are no strangers to the Supreme Court.
On November 14, 2016, a Supreme Court Judge ordered that the funds held at the TD bank accounts in Port Moody belonging to CNM and Easy Padala (companies owned by Jun and Zeala Cortes) be forfeited to Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Forfeiture Act, SBC 2005, c. 29 (the “Act”). Out of the approximate $1.2 million dollars that reportedly went in and out of the account or accounts, $101,403 CAD dollars (as reported by Business Vancouver) is all that was left to seize and to be divided up amongst victims that can provide supporting documentation to the Director of Forfeiture as a result of a “sweepstakes lottery grand Prize” scam.
Read More
– Link: Local Filipino companies hit by Forfeiture Court Actions in BC Supreme Court
– Link: Victims of CNM Communications Inc or Easy Padala Inc. sought by BC Solicitor General
According to members of the Filipino community, when Zeala introduces herself as a scammer she laughs off the title and poses the question: if she and husband Jun did something wrong, why aren’t they in jail? Answer: in Civil cases such as their recent one with Lovitos, the judge cannot order imprisonment. The judge can however rule that damaged parties be compensated by those responsible. Regardless, full compensation of lost sums aren’t guaranteed. Prevention is the key.
UPDATE: August 17, 2024
Jun and Zeala Cortes did not appear for a scheduled hearing on August 6th, 2024. Nor did they have anyone appear on their behalf despite being duly served.
The court orders that within 14 days; (Summation)
- Zeala and Jun Cortes plus the two companies they control, Pintech Solutions Inc and Aubitx Holdings Inc. must provide all documents that shows all deposits and subsequent use or disbursement of all monies received from Jocely Lovitos and Martrade Holdings Ltd.
- Copies of their last three years income tax returns and T4s
- proof of the source and amount of any income;
- copies of bank statements
- BC Assessment of any real property in which they hold a legal or beneficial interest.
- Copies of all credit cards in their name.
- Copies of all motor vehicle registration documents.
Supreme Court Documents
Below are the 4 Supreme court documents in Court file No. VLC-S-S-240082
NOTICE OF CLAIM on JANUARY 17, 2024 – This describes the case in detail from Jocelyn Lovitos and Martrade Holdings Ltd (PLAINTIFFS) against Jun and Zeala Cortes and their two companies Pinteck Solution Inc. and Auibitx Holdings Inc. (DEFENDANTS). Read Below:
NOTICE OF APPLICATION on May 31, 2024 – “No response to Civil Claim has been filed by any of the Defendants. Therefore, the facts in the Notice of Civil Claim are deemed to be admitted by all of the Defendants” copied line 5 page 2 of Notice of Application. Read Below:
ORDER MADE AFTER APPLICATION on June 28, 2024 – “…AND UPON being satisfied that the Plaintiffs filed and served the notice of Civil Claim on each of the Defendants, and the Defendants having failed to file and serve a Response to the Civil Claim within the time allowed; AND UPON HEARING… THIS COURT ORDERS AND DECLARES THAT… Read Below:
NOTICE OF APPLICATION on July 11, 2024 – “… The Defendants, to date, have not participated in these proceedings and it is anticipated that orders will be required to ensure they comply…” Read Below:
ORDER MADE AFTER APPLICATION on August 6, 2024 – “… no one appearing on behalf of the defendants, athough duly served, and on reading the materials file; …” Read Below: